Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bar Biscotti Coffee


We ordered a "normal" cappuccino and a skim cap. They use Caffe Molinari, and I have to report, consistency let them down. I have had coffees here in the past, and the quality can vary depending on who makes it. Today though, I was even more surprised at their level of inconsistency. The normal cap was pulled just right, the aroma sweet, and the coffee at the right temperature. The skim frothed up very nicely, but the espresso was bitter and the milk only lukewarm. I am my no means a coffee snob, (or maybe I am becoming one after Italy!), but in a city full of cafes, that is not acceptable.

Rating - 5.5


I like the setting of this cafe, with contemporary furnishing, and of course, al fresco dining. Even if the weather is bad, there are huge windows that allow you to look outside. The cups are like the others.

Rating - 2


Well, we're so used to city prices, I don't even blink over being charged $3 for a coffee, with some places on $3.50. I'm happy to report that the standard sized coffees are still only $2.50 here.

Rating - 1.5

Swiss Points - 9

Available At

Bar Biscotti
Building B, Tenancy 1,
24 George Street
North Strathfield,
NSW 2137
Phone (02) 9746 7333

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