Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sunbeam Apricot & Sultanas


I have to admit, I haven't had one of these snacks from Sunbeam before, as they are clearly aimed at kids' lunch boxes. They come in handy 37g packs. I guess they're a better choice than chocolates are something. In terms of taste.... the sultanas are pretty tiny and doesn't have that juicy bite to it. Apricots were slightly better but I think I prefer the whole ones.

Rating - 5


It comes in this cute packet with dancing smiley sultana and apricot. The box is handy and resealable, and quite good for kids and big kids, as long as they have slim fingers.

Rating - 2.5


Good for when you want to feel like a kid and a handy snack to have on hand...dunno how much they cost though.

Rating - 0.5

Swiss Points - 8


Australian sultanas, apricots, preservative, vegetable oil

Available At

Supermarkets everywhere.

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