Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tartufalba Salsa Tartufata


We got these goodies during our visit to the Moderna Fair. The pack comes with 3 truffles products from Tartufalba. This one is a Mushrooms and truffles sauce. I think there are some very tiny specks of truffle in there. If you just eat the truffle speck you don’t taste anything, yet as you taste the sauce, you can taste the unmistakable aroma. This is truly something you need to cook with beautiful pasta, as just the sauce itself doesn’t really bring out the aroma of the truffle.

Rating - 7.5


Sexy, as only the Italians can do it. A dark blue label with a gold lid. The inside is a dark sauce with tiny little black specks.

Rating - 2.5


80g and costs us an arm and a leg. Worth it? Probably not for us as we don’t know what to do with it.

Rating - 1

Swiss Points - 11


mushrooms ,e.v. olive oil, summer truffles 8%m broth cube, spices, aroma, anchovy paste, maize starch, emulsifier, acidifying

Available At

Moderna Fair, Italy

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